City of Russell
Council Meeting
December 4, 2017, 7
Present: Duane
Bedford, Terry Newcomb, Chris Feehan, Jay
Pierschbacher, Casey DeHoedt, Jeff Johnson, Jim Larrington, and George Johnson. Corey
Paige did not attend.
Duane Bedford called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.
Minutes were read and approved; Chris Feehan made the motion
to approve as read and Terry Newcomb seconded the motion. Minutes were approved unanimously 5-0.
Terry motioned to approve the Income and Expense reports; Casey
seconded the motion. Chris mentioned that the Accounts Payable
printout was for November and December. Motion
carried unanimously 5-0.
George Johnson, Code Enforcement Officer for Chariton spoke
about Chariton’s procedure for municipal infractions for junk and debris
properties. He said that he writes
misdemeanor citations with a fine, generally $250 for first offense. George said he takes many pictures of the
properties, going back within 30 days and taking more pictures. He also said that if there is more than one
homeowner listed on property, all people listed are ticketed. The defendant(s) will be required to appear
in court. George suggested that we adopt
the International Property Maintenance Code which covers every scenario. Chariton has not adopted this code. Jeff said he would look into that code and
the Council will discuss at the next meeting on January 8, 2018.
Jeff had nothing to report for the Police Dept. The
Council discussed getting Jeff a camera for property issues discussed earlier.
Chris made a motion to begin the public hearing at 7:35
p.m. There were no citizens in attendance
for this public hearing regarding the resolution instituting proceedings to
take additional action for the authorization of a loan agreement and the issuance
of not to exceed $432,000 Sewer Revenue Capital Loan Notes. Terry Newcomb moved to adopt Resolution
2017-09 and Casey DeHoedt seconded the motion.
Aye votes: Terry,
Chris, Casey, Jay
Nay votes: None
Chris made a motion to close the public hearing and Jay
seconded the motion.
Aye votes: Terry,
Chris, Casey, Jay
Nay votes: None
Chris reported no new information from the fire department.
Ordinance 147 – regarding penalties for illegal disposal of
materials on City property was read a second time and Chris made a motion to
adopt the ordinance and waive the third reading. Terry seconded the motion.
Aye votes: Terry,
Chris, Casey, Jay
Nay votes: None
The Resolution 2017-07 written for illegal dumping will be
rescinded because the ordinance is adopted.
Ordinance 146 – amending Sec 8-1.0112 of the Russell
Municipal Code to specify new placement and replacement of culverts on City of
Russell right-of-ways was read a second time and Casey made a motion to adopt
the ordinance and waive the third reading and Chris seconded the motion.
Aye votes: Terry,
Chris, Casey, Jay
Nay votes: None
Ordinance 145 - amending City of Russell Floodplain sections
of Chapter 414 Code of Iowa to update floodplain maps for Lucas County and
incorporated area was read a second time and Jay made a motion to adopt the
ordinance and waive the third reading; Terry seconded the motion.
Aye votes: Terry,
Chris, Casey, Jay
Nay votes: None
Duane discussed the sewer project and possible changes in
the plan for the lagoon and has been in contact with Garden and Associates
regarding the changes.
Jim reported on Water/wastewater. He stated that he replaced a couple curb boxes. Jim will be attending the free training at
RRWA on January 24.
Jim reported on Streets.
Jim put up the Christmas decorations on the street lights with Alliant
Energy’s assistance. Some of the boxes
on the poles for the decoration attachment are rotted. Alliant said they would assist Jim in
changing those out.
There was discussion regarding a street light at 312 E.
Smith St. that has been out but is not one of the City’s street lights
according to Alliant. The Council agreed
to go ahead and put a new one up there and add to our list of street lights.
Jim brought up for discussion the possibility of renting a
lift to do some tree and brush cutting. Jim reported that the lift cylinder for the
bucket on the backhoe is leaking. Casey
asked Jim to get a two-year record of equipment repairs and maintenance.
Jim worked on the entry door at the Community Building which
was falling off the hinges and door frame was coming apart. Jim suggested we get a new door sometime
because it was just a temporary fix.
The Council discussed applying for grants from SCICF,
Vredenburg, and Coons Foundation for the bandstand roof and concrete.
The Council discussed the school kids who get on and off at
the park who had been causing some damage.
Duane talked to Paula at the School Office and she said they would hand
out notes for students to take home to parents.
The Council discussed setting a budget work session date and
decided to wait and set one in January after regular council meeting on January
8, 2018.
The Council talked about the meter project progress again
and decided to get a quote from another company since there has been no
The Council discussed the bank remodel and decided on not
spending the money on an interior wall.
Terry made a motion to extend the meeting past 9 p.m. and
Casey seconded the motion.
The Council picked out a paint color for the bank building.
The Council discussed the MESI contract for our water and
wastewater testing. The City of Russell
received a letter from Midwest Environmental Services, Inc. stating that they
have transitioned out of laboratory testing.
The operations have been purchased by Keystone Laboratories and they
will continue our service at the same pricing through 2018.
Chris motioned to adjourn the meeting. Casey seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously 4-0.
Mayor Duane Bedford Clerk,
Kris Wilkins