Wednesday, February 27, 2019

City Council Minutes

      City of Russell
Council Meeting
February 20, 2019

Present:  Mayor Duane Bedford, Council Members: Terry Newcomb, Casey DeHoedt, Chris Feehan and Jay Pierschbacher.  Also present, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk Cindy Smith.

Meeting was called to order at 6: 07 pm by Mayor Bedford.

Letter received by all council members from Lucas County Sheriff Brett Tharp, was discussed and will be further reviewed at the monthly meeting on March 4, 2019.

2019/2020 Budget was again reviewed and final numbers will be discussed at the March 4th 2019 Council meeting. 

Meeting was motioned for adjournment at 7:20 by Chris Feehan and seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Ayes – All approved
Nay’s – None

Approved by:
Duane Bedford, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Russell News/City Council Minutes

Russell News Feb. 26, 2019
            Monday, March  4, 7 p.m. Russell City Council meeting
            Wednesday, March 6, 6:30 p.m. Night Owls of Faith United Methodist Church,  Lona  Aldrich is both hostess and has the lesson 
            Sunday, March 10, Daylight Savings Time  begins
            March 11-15, Chariton schools spring break  
            Thursday, March  14,  1:15 p.m.   Russell News meeting at the Museum-everyone welcome
            Saturday, March 16, South Side St. Patrick's Day Parade, Irish breakfast at 9,  Parade at noon, Corned beef with trimmings at 1.  All are welcome as participants or viewers.  We welcome all entries in the parade. 
            Sunday, March 17, St. Patrick's Day
            Sunday March 17,  2 p.m. Russell Sportsmen's Club Handgun
            Thursday,  March 21,  6 p.m. Russell Museum/Library Board meeting
            Sunday, March 31, 1:30 p.m.  Russell Sportsmen's Club Range workday
            Sunday, March 31, 6 p.m.   Russell First Baptist Church,  lower level of the Church,  Come and share "Prayer, Praise, and Pizza" .  This is a 5th Sunday of the month activity where we dress modestly in casual attire.   First Baptist Church, 202 W. Smith St. Russell, Iowa

Thursday, February 7, 2019

City Council Minutes

City of Russell
Council Meeting
February 4th , 2019
Present:  Resident Deloris Carroll, Duane Bedford (Mayor), Council members:  Chris Feehan, Terry Newcomb, Casey DeHoedt and City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and Cindy Smith, City Clerk.
Duane Bedford, Mayor, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes from the meetings held on January 7, 2019 and January 21, 2019 were reviewed and motioned for approval by Chris Feehan and seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Ayes – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Review of income and expenses were reviewed with Casey DeHoedt motioning to approve the financials and this was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Ayes – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Deloris Carroll requested the use/partial closure of Shaw Street on March 16th 2019 for the Annual Southside St. Patrick’s Day parade.  The use of Shaw Street for the parade was motioned for approval by Casey Dehoedt and this motion was seconded for approval by Chris Feehan.
Ayes – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Deloris Carroll also requested the approval to renew Southside liquor license.  This request was motioned for approval by Chris Feehan and seconded by Casey Dehoedt.
Ayes – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Police report was submitted by Duane Bedford. He and Officer Hardin had met on Saturday.  At this time we are still working on properties with junk and debris but with the weather now, little work has been completed.  Duane Bedford and Chris Feehan are working on other possibilities on getting this into compliance.

Fire report was provided by Chris Feehan, the roof of the fire station will need to be resealed in the spring as it has several leaks.  He is also looking into the noon siren that has not been going off after the cold weather.
Jim Larrington provided the waste water report.  The lagoon is having a lot of runoff with the melting snow.  Also need to make steps or some means of getting to the place where the DNR has requested that we now take our samples from.  This will need to be completed in the spring after all the snow melt is completed and hopefully before the spring rains.
Jim Larrington provided the water report.  The tower did freeze up during the cold snap that we had. He has been able to repair the problem and it is now working correctly.  We have received a quote from Suez company that provides the yearly maintenance (cleaning on the inside and painting) on the water tower of $9,012.78.  This will continue our contract with them through June 30, 2020. 
Jim also noted that at the class he recently took, the Skybeam tower on the City water tower should be placed on a platform and not directly tied to the tower itself.
Jim Larrington provided the street report.  With the thaw and freeze and the snow still expected to fall, there will be more pot hole issues and a lot of rock will need to be spread in the spring.  During the period from December 15th to January 15th, we again leased a lift from Duke Arial and a great deal of pruning and removal of hazard trees was completed on city property. Duane Bedford stated that the city will probably need to purchase a new chain saw before completing any tree removal next fiscal year. We should budget accordingly.  Jim also stated that he may have found some trash cans that need to be put in various places in the city. He will inform council when all details have been completed.
Old Business:  Second budget work session has been scheduled for February 20, 2019 at 6:00 pm at City Hall to finalize the 2019/2020 budget.
Chris Feehan stated that Lucas has agreed to purchase our road grader at a price of $17,500.00.  We will purchase a used grader for road work from the county.  Chris has coordinated the sale/purchase procedures.
It was also brought to the attention of the council about golf carts that are being driven without the correct licensing of drivers.
New Business:  Duane Bedford did submit a request for S.C.I.C.F.  grant monies to be used to REPACE the basketball poles/nets/goals in the community center park and new poles and net for the volley ball court.
Jim Larrington brought up that his personal cell phone is used more for city business then personal use.  He will bring in an invoice and the council will determine how much we can reimburse him on work usage.

Casey DeHoedt motioned for adjournment at 7:55 pm., this was seconded by Chris Feehan.
Aye’s – All approved
Nay’s - none
Approved by:
Duane Bedford, Mayor
Cindy A Smith, City Clerk