Thursday, April 23, 2020

Street closing

Clean Up Day

MAY 2, 2020

City Council Minutes

City of Russell
April 6, 2020
6:00 PM
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Terry Newcomb, Kelli Anderson, Robert Smith, Jay Pierschbacher, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk Cindy Smith.  As we were less then 10 and able to stay at a safe distance, the meeting went ahead and took place.
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. 
Minutes from the March 3, 2020 meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Casey DeHoedt, this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Minutes from the March 19, 2020 Public Hearing and council meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Robert Smith, this motion was seconded by Kelli Anderson.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Income and expenses were reviewed from March 2020.  Terry Newcomb motioned to approve income and expenses for March 2020, this motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Police report was provided by Mayor Feehan – Letters that Officer Jeffries has been sending out are getting some response on.  There are some new ones that will be going out along with a reminder of our City Clean Up Day scheduled for May 2, 2020 so that they are aware of a way to easily get rid of debris.
Fire Department report was also provided by Mayor Feehan – the Russell Volunteer Fire Department ham supper will now be at the Russell Fire Station as a drive though pickup to meet the regulations regarding the mandate from Governor Kim Reynolds during the Covid-19 isolation.  Tickets are still available from any Russell Fireman.
City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington then gave his reports for water/wastewater and street reports:
Water loss for the month of March was at 44%.  This loss was due to the tower repair that had to be completed and two (2) water main breaks that occurred south of the old school house.
Storm drain cleaning on Shaw streets and on Main street will be completed the next to weeks to open up/clean/camera the drain lines.  Shaw street needs to have the ditches re-dug and the road shaped prior to applying any new gravel. 
There are still some meters that need to be replaced, but these are on hold until the virus isolation is over.
Bids were reviewed for water tower repair that needs to be completed.  The pipe inside that water tower needs to be replaced.  There are two (2) bids that are under review for replacement of the pipe and then the possible addition of replacing the insulation and connector pipe joint.  The council had a few questions and Robert Smith was appointed to call these two (2) companies to ask the questions that the council had.  After these questions are answered, council will then decide how to proceed.
Stop sign replacement has been completed and the grant information has been submitted to the state for the replacement cost of the signs.
Jim then related the pricing on the culverts that need to be replaced.  Council will determine if there are monies left in the current year budget to purchase these culverts at the next meeting.
Jim Larrington, Lyle Dorsey and Terry Newcomb have also been working on getting the ditches cleaned up prior to new spring growth.  The bridge on Main Street is still under consideration on how to repair as the removal of some of the debris has shown where more work will be needed.
This was the completion of City Maintenance report.
Old Business:  Mayor Feehan then gave an update on the sewer project.  Garden and Associates were to do the float test on the lagoon last week, but to his knowledge this had not been completed.  This work needs to be completed to be added into the plans that need to be submitted to the state for final approval.
Sealed bids for the skid loader, dump truck, blades and fencing were then opened and reviewed.  The skid loader was the only item that had been bid upon and the bid went to Craig Stansberry at the bid amount of $2,501.68.  Mayor Feehan will contact Mr. Stansberry and let him know.
The other items will remain open for bid until the May 4, 2020 meeting.
Mayor Feehan the discussed the pricing that he has received on putting gutters up on the shelter house and band stand.  It was decided to put this project on hold until the next fiscal year.
Mayor Feehan then submitted to the council the skid loader pricing information that he has received.  The council decided to proceed with the lower cost skid loader.
Resolution 2020-04 was then voted on regarding the process to continue to proceed with the final submission of grant money request through the USDA and a public hearing was set for May 4, 2020 at 6:00 pm.
Jay Pierschbacher motioned to proceed with Resolution 2020-04 to complete submission of grant request to purchase the skid loader, this motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried
Mayor Feehan submitted to the council two (2) bids that he received regarding the concrete work for the completion of the fire station culvert work, sidewalk repair at the post office and additional repair work that needs to be completed on Prairie Street.  The council decided to proceed with the lower bidder to have the work completed.  Work should be completed by the end of the month.
It had been previously discussed to remove and clean out a ravine/hill on Crocker Street that also has property that is owned by another party.  Discussions with property owner on what needs to be accomplished has met with the property owners approval and they will pay half of the work that needs to be completed to assist in cleaning up the area and allowing some road work to be done to help in draining the road.  This will be accomplished as work/weather and contractor can be scheduled.
New Business:  Utility Bills – during the Covid-19 we are not allowed to turn anyone off from delinquent water bills.
With the ditch work that we have been doing and clean up processes, there are some area’s that we do not have the equipment to handle the grades Jim Larrington will contact the county to see if they can assist in some of these area’s.
News was released today from Governor Reynolds that all public parks were to be closed.  Jim Larrington will put on signage and rope off playgrounds as much as possible to show these closures.
Casey De Hoedt motion for the adjournment and this motion was seconded by Jay Pierschbacher.
Meeting adjourned.

Approved by,
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

Friday, April 17, 2020

Russell's Blacksmith-L.O. Wilson

Patty Blue's 90th birthday

Russell's Blacksmith

Pictures of Ott Wilson working. Building would have been near Jim Carroll's Pub.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

City Council Minutes

City of Russell
Council Meeting
January 6, 2020
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Casey DeHoedt, Terry Newcomb, Kelli Anderson, Robert Smith, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk, Cindy Smith.
Guests: Sheriff Tharp and Scott Bear
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Minutes from the December 2, 2019 meeting were reviewed and Casey DeHoedt motion for approval and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Minutes from the December 11, 2019 meeting were reviewed and Casey DeHoedt motion for approval and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Minutes from the December 19, 2019 meeting were reviewed and Casey DeHoedt motion for approval and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Minutes from the December 30, 2019 meeting were reviewed and Casey DeHoedt motion for approval and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Minutes from the December 30, 2019 Public Hearing meeting were reviewed and Casey DeHoedt motion for approval and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Roll call was as follows:
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Sheriff Tharp gave an update to the council on what has been accomplished within the City since the agreement that we have with the Sheriff’s department.   Council appreciated the update are plans are to continue with a new contract for the 2020/2021 fiscal year budget.  Robert Smith did request if it would be possible when the kids get off the bus if there could be an officer present.  Sheriff Tharp stated that he would have someone here when possible.  Mayor Feehan mentioned the 3 way stop at Prairie Street and Shaw Street and how several people barely slow down at the signs, especially heading north.  Sheriff Tharp suggested looking at DOT for a grant on lights. 
Sheriff Tharp left the meeting at this time.
Scott Bear brought up the issue on the land that he rents from the city, that when the new sewer is installed, they will be tearing up the pasture where he has just put in new seed.  The seed will be replaced either by contractors re-seeding or providing Scott the funds to buy the seed that he wish’s and he can plant himself.  Due to this disruption of seeding, the city will extend his existing contract from ending March 1,2022 to Mar 1, 2026.  Payment will still be due on February 28th of each year.
Robert Smith motioned to extend current contract from ending on March 1, 2022 to extend to March 1, 2026.  Casey DeHoedt seconded this motion.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Scott Bear left the meeting at this time.
Income and expenses were reviewed.  Terry Newcomb motion to approve income and expenses and this motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Ordinance 152 was read and reviewed regarding the increase in sewer rates.  Casey DeHoedt motioned to approve Ordinance 152 increasing the sewer rates and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.

Casey DeHoedt motioned to waive the third (3rd) reading of Ordinance 152 and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Ordinance 153 was read and reviewed regarding the increase in water rates.  There was no question or discussions.  Terry Newcomb motioned to approve Ordinance 153 increasing of the water rates and this motion was seconded by Robert Smith.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.  Second reading will be completed at the January 16, 2020 special meeting.
Mayor Feehan gave an update on the police report and that Tyler is still working on the junk and debris ordinances.  There was discussion on what constitutes as a business as there are a few places that state they work on cars, but no change is noticed and some cars do not have current plates.  There will be more discussions after research has been completed.
Brian Beaty gave an update on the fire department.  All quotes regarding the equipment to purchase from the grant that was received has all been turned into the USDA.
Water / Wastewater report was given by Jim Larrington.  Testing requirements for Grade 2 has become nationwide and that all testing is now completed on a nationwide basis.  He will be testing for the Grade 2 that will be required on the new sewer system.  Originally it was a Grade 1, which he has will now need to be a grade 2.   Jim asked if it would be ok to have a second set of master keys made for here at the office as there has been need of keys and Jim has not been available.  The council thought it would be beneficial to have a second master set made.
Street Report was given by Jim Larrington, the lift for tree trimming will be here on January 13th and he will be trimming trees in the City right of ways and parks where needed.  Jim will also be repairing with cold patch some spots on Prairie Street.
Old Business:  Rise Broad Band contract renewal was again discussed, Mayor Feehan will call to let them know the new fees for their radio tower located on the water tower and that the contract will be renewed for an additional 5 years.  He will let council know if they will agree to these terms.
Mayor Feehan gave an update to the council on the Sewer Project.  Engineering design will be turned over to the USDA for approval later this week or early next week.
Mayor Feehan gave an update on the blessing’s boxes that the 4-H group is making.  There will be two (2) boxes made.  The city will provide the paint for the boxes and they will be placed at the museum.  The museum board will determine where they will want them placed.
Can redemption trailer will be discussed at the next meeting.
New Business:  The dump truck and skid loader will be placed up for bid.  Jim will get all the details on both to be published.  It was also approved to sell 2 blades that go on the dump truck as well.  Terry Newcomb motioned to prepare the dump truck, skid loader and blades for sale under sealed bid with the right to reject any and all bids.  This motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Mayor Feehan then stated that he would like to make Terry Newcomb his Pro-Tem.  Casey DeHoedt motioned to approve Terry Newcomb as Pro-Tem and this motion was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
With the change in Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem, banking arrangements were discussed.  Casey DeHoedt motioned to remove Duane Bedford from all banking institutions and add Terry Newcomb as a 3rd approved signature on banking institutions.  This motion was seconded by Robert Smith.
Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Mayor Feehan also appointed council members area’s that if help is needed in any way that they would handle these different aspects in doing research etc.  Casey DeHoedt  -Junk and Debris, Jay Pierschbacher – Streets, Kelli Anderson – Parks and Community Center and Robert Smith – sewer and water.
Grants that we will be looking into for will be to improve the Community Center RE: new furnace / air conditioner; Sidewalks – especially around and to the Community Center.  Casey DeHoedt also asked about having the lights put back up at the football field and having a sidewalk installed there.  She will research the cost as she had previously been in contact with Alliant.
A second January meeting was scheduled for January 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm for vote on the levy and to schedule budget work sessions and for the 2nd reading of Ordinance 153.
Mayor Feehan also discussed with the council if they would like to change the time of our monthly scheduled meetings.  Terry Newcomb motioned to have the monthly meetings on the First (1st) Monday of every month as they currently are but the starting time will now be at 6:00 pm instead of 7:00 pm.  Robert Smith seconded this motion.

Vote was as follows:
Robert Smith – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Casey Dehoedt – Aye and Kelli Anderson – Aye.
There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Terry Newcomb motioned to adjourn the meeting and this motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
All Approved, meeting closed.

Approved by:
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

City of Russell
Council Meeting
January 16, 2020
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Casey DeHoedt, Terry Newcomb, Kellie Anderson, Robert Smith, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk, Cindy Smith.
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Levy for the 2020/2021 budget was discussed and Mayor Feehan has been researching on increasing the max levy an addition 2%.  After discussion Terry Newcomb moved to leave the max levy budget at 8.1% and this motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt. 
Roll call was as follows:  Casey DeHoedt – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Kellie Anderson – Aye, and Robert Smith – Aye. There were no nay votes, motion carried.
There will now be a public hearing scheduled for February 3, 2021 prior to our regular city council meeting at 6:00 pm.
Additional budget hearing meetings will also be set at the February 3rd meeting.
Second reading of Ordinance 153 was read and motioned for approval by Casey DeHoedt and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb. 
Roll call was as follows:  Casey DeHoedt – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Kellie Anderson – Aye, and Robert Smith – Aye. There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Terry Newcomb motioned to waive the 3rd reading of Ordinance 153 and this motion was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
Roll call was as follows:  Casey DeHoedt – Aye, Terry Newcomb – Aye, Kellie Anderson – Aye, and Robert Smith – Aye. There were no nay votes, motion carried.
Mayor Feehan also handed out to the council Iowa Code 657A.10A on abandoned properties and if the council wished for him to proceed on how we could handle some of the properties in town that are abandoned to become property of the city to get these properties taken care of.  Discussions ensued and Mayor Feehan will do further research on what all is needed to get this accomplished.

Casey DeHoedt motioned adjournment and this motion was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
Meeting Adjourned.

Approved by:
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

City of Russell
Held on
February 3,2020
Present: Mayor Chris Feel"ran, Terry Newcomb, Kellie Anderson, Robert Smith, Fire Chief Brian Beaty,
City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk, Cindy Smith.
Mayor Feehan called the nreeting to order at 6:07 pm.
Review of the minutes frorn the January 6,2020 meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by
Robert Smith and this motion was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
Aye's - AllApproved
Nay's -None
Motion Carried.
Review of the minutes frorn the January 16,2020 meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by
Terry Newcomb and this motion was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion Carried.
lncome and expenses were reviewed and motioned for approval by Terry Newcomlo and this motion
was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion Carried.
PoliceReportwasproviderCbyMayorFeehan. Tylerhasbeentakingpicturesforjunkanddebrisletters
that he had previously submitted to property owners. lt has been noted that with the weather, we do
not expect a lot of cleanupr to take place but will note what has changed/not changed that when the
weather does turn, he will be looking for improvements.
Water/wastewater report: Jim Larrington stated that we have received the final plans from Garden &
Associates and he did notel a few items that were on the original design, but not on the final and that
this will be reviewed closely by himself and the counciland willsubmit notations to Mayor Feehan to
bring to the USDA attention.
Streets: Jim Larrington stated that he has been working on trimming up trees and rioing snow removal.
Discussed the possibility of purchasing our own gas tanks for gas and diesel. Jim will research pricing on
pricing 21 50O - gallon tanks for the diesel and gasoline.
Jim also stated that the propane usage at the maintenance garage has been reduced significantly after
installation of the foam ins;ulation.
Deloris Carrollwas unable to attend the meeting but had asked the councilif Southside could close
Shaw Street between Statr: and Main on March 1.4,2020 for their Saint Patrick Day parade at noon. This
request was motioned for approval by Terry Newcomb and this motion was seconded by Kellie
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion Carried, Cindy will notify Deloris that the council approved the street closure for the parade.
Southside liquor license is also up for renewal, Kellie Anderson motioned to approve the renewal of the
southside license and this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion Carried, Cindy will notify Southside of the decision to renew the liquor license.
Old Business:
Mayor Feehan updated the council on a meeting that he had with Ellen Walker of tlre USDA on the
sewer project and that the USDA will require the city of open a separate account to run allthe funding
for the sewer project though. Robert Smith motioned for approval to open a separiate bank account to
process all funding and payments thought a designated account. This motion was seconded by Kellie
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion Carried.
Jay Pierschbacher arrived at the meeting.
Mayor Feehan also reviewt:d the possibility of trying to acquire grants to do some upgrades on the
Community Center. New heating and cooling systems need to be installed, he has received one quote
and is awaiting to hear frorn 2 more companies on replacing these systems. Cindy S;mith noted to the
council that Robin Thompsron had called and that the sorority has replaced the curtains at the
community center and thalt they are wanting to place a support hook on the new tension rods to help
support the new curtains. Mayor Feehan will look at the windows to see if it would be ok to place the
tensions hooks as requested.
Terry Newcomb asked about the cleaning of the community center. lt is to be the n:sponsibility of the
renters to clean up after themselves before they return the key to the city. This apparently has not been
happening. tt has been determined that the SSO.OO deposits will not be returned to the renters until it
has been inspected by Cinrcy and then the deposits will be returned at that time. cindy will try to review
the building prior to anyone returning with the key to get deposits returned.
Snow ordinances will be reviewed as there has been several driveways that have been cleaned by
pushing snow into neighboring properties. This will create a problem in the spring 'when people go to
mow their yards. Also, there have been cars parked in the streets which makes it difficult to plow
Brian Beaty arrived at the meeting and provided a report. The Fire Department will be applying for
grants in the next fiscal year to redo the old city offices at the fire station to be more useful for the
department to use as a training facility.
New Business:
Mayor Feehan had discussed with Ellen walker of the usDA if it would be possible for us to apply for a grant to purchase a skid loader or a different truck for the city. she stated that we r:an apply for a grant
for equipment. she will start the application and submit to us to fill out. Mayor Feerhan is working to
get quotes on a skid loader and a truck and then the council will decide on which pir:ce of equipment is
more necessary.
There is a blade that we have for the dump truck that Jim will try to refit to be able to push snow with
the backhoe to be able to get better removal of snow.
we will be setting up our old skid loader and other pieces of equipment up for sale under sealed bid.
Budget meeting was scheduled to go over the revenue and expenses for the next fiscal year of
2020/2021' The first meeting will take place on wednesday, February L2,zozoat 6:30 here at city hall.
Kellie Anderson motioned to adjourn the meeting and this motion was seconded by Robert smith.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion Carried, meeting adjourned.
Approved by:
Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

City of Russell
Council meeting
Held on
February 12, 2020
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Terry Newcomb, Kellie Anderson, Robert Smith, Casey DeHoedt, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk, Cindy Smith.
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm.
Review of the 2020/2021 was reviewed and discussed.  There are a few changes that need to be made and this will be completed by City Clerk, Cindy Smith and a new meeting was set to review changes at 7:00 pm on February 20, 2020.
Council then discussed setting the day for the spring cleanup day.  Between graduation, Fireman’s supper and prom clean up day is set for May 2, 2020.  Pricing will be discussed at a later date.
Casey Dehoedt motioned to make May 2, 2020 as the scheduled clean up day and this motion was seconded by Robert Smith.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried.
Mayor Feehan then discussed a meeting that he had attended with other Mayors and the Lucas County Board of Supervisors.  The City of Chariton is looking at no longer having a recycle trailer but going to separate pickup of recycle.  If they proceed with this, the county will no longer be able to provide the recycle trailers.   This will not happen until next year so we will need to determine how to proceed and research other avenues of recycling.
The community center and other city offices are in the need of new fire extinguishers.  The council will research best way to procure needed fire extinguishers and cost associated with purchasing disposable canisters versus having a company maintain and inspect/refill as needed.  Chief Brian Beaty will also be asked best way to go and if he has any recommendations.  We will also need to get some first aid kits at various locations within city property as well.
Mayor Feehan, Jim Larrington and Terry Newcomb reviewed the lagoon plans and will meet with representatives from the USDA and from the engineering company with questions on the plans next week.  With this new lagoon, we also need an emergency response plan, we will be meeting with a representative from Midwest Assistance Programs who put together these plans for cities.   There is no charge to the city for these services.
Mayor Feehan discussed with the council on sending Jim Larrington to a Water Distribution class at DMACC on March 3rd and 4th and also on March 10th and 11th in Ankeny, Iowa to obtain Grade 1 certification.  Casey DeHoedt motioned to approve Jim Larrington to attend Water Distribution classes in obtaining a Grade 1 certificate.  This motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Casey DeHoedt motioned to adjourn the meeting and this motion was seconded by Kellie Andersen.

Approved by:
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

City of Russell
Council meeting
Held on
February 20, 2020
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Terry Newcomb, Kellie Anderson, Robert Smith, Casey DeHoedt, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk, Cindy Smith.
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.
Resolution 2020-03 for a Loan Resolution was discussed.  This resolution is for the loan part of the USDA Grant that authorizes and provides for the incurrence of indebtedness for the purpose of providing a portion of the cost of acquiring, constructing, enlarging, imprint the city lagoon.  This is for the allotment of a loan pursuant to the provisions of Iowa Code 364 and 388.  This resolution was motioned for approval by Casey DeHoedt and motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Roll call was as follows:  Casey DeHoedt – Aye, Robert Smith – Aye, Kellie Anderson – Aye and Terry Newcomb – Aye.  There were no nay votes and Jay Pierschbacher was absent.
Motion carried.
Review of the 2020/2021 was reviewed and discussed.  Changes from the last review have been completed and Terry Newcomb motioned to approve the 2020/2021 budget and this motion was seconded by Robert Smith.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried.
Mayor Feehan then gave a brief overview of a meeting that was held on Thursday February 20, 2020 with himself, Ellen Walker of the USDA, Austin Smith from Garden and Associates Engineering, Terry Newcomb and Jim Larrington.  This meeting was to go over the lagoon plans that the council had questions on.  Mr. Smith from Garden and Associates will have the necessary changes to the plans and resubmit to the City of Russell and to the State of Iowa within 30 days.  It was also discussed the Ahlers and Cooney Attorney law firm will now complete the easements that need to be completed for this project.
Council also discussed Curb boxes/meter pits that need to be installed at several addresses.  The cost to install these are approximately between $550.00- $600.00.  They need to be installed at several residences and we need to determine how these will be billed/paid.  There will be a new ordinance written for new construction that these pits must be installed and the cost thereof.  Further discussion will be added to the next city council meeting on how to proceed with current residences.
There are several items that will be available for sealed bid.  Items available:  dump truck, snow blade, skid steer and chain link fence.  There will be photo’s and descriptions and then will be placed in the paper and on facebook for bidding process.
Jim Larrington will put together an inventory of current equipment and major tools that the city has for future reference. 
Public hearing was set for March 9, 2020 for the 2020/2021 budget approval.
Casey DeHoedt motioned for adjournment and this motion was seconded by Robert Smith.
Motion adjourned at 8:30.

Approved by:
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

City of Russell
Council Meeting
March 3, 2020
Originally scheduled for March 2, 2020 but there was no quorum.
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Casey DeHoedt, Terry Newcomb, Kelli Anderson, Robert Smith, City Maintenance Supervisor Jim Larrington and City Clerk, Cindy Smith.
Mayor Chris Feehan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Review of the public hearing meeting on February 3, 2020 regarding the approval of the tax levy were motioned for approval by Casey DeHoedt and seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye’s – All approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried
Review of minutes from the February 3, 2020 council meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Casey DeHoedt and seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye’s – All approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried
Review of minutes for the February 12, 2020 council meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Terry Newcomb and seconded by Robert Smith
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried
Review of minutes from the February 20, 2020 council meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Robert Smith and seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Aye’s – All approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried
Review of income and expenses for the month of February were reviewed and motioned for approval by Casey DeHoedt and seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion Carried
Mayor Feehan had an update from Officer Tyler regarding the junk and debris letters that have been submitted to property owners.  Officer Tyler also had a request to initiate a parking ordinance.  Jim Larrington also stated that a parking ordinance would be beneficial during snow removal.  Mayor Feehan will review with legal.
Fire report was also presented by Mayor Feehan.  David McCurdy has passed his EMT certification.  The annual ham supper is scheduled for April 18, 2020, children 12 and under will be $5.00 per plate adult’s will be $10.00 per plate.
Jim Larrington gave the water report.  Water loss for February was at 24%, some of this was due to the water main breaks that happened on the south side of the old school building.  Majority of the loss of water will be in the month of March.  These main breaks were repaired live.    Jim also discussed installing curb boxes and or meter pits on some addresses.  It was determined that on any new construction or installation of new mobile home will require a meter pit at the owner’s expense.  If curb boxes or meter pits are installed at existing addresses, it will be determined if the owner will pay for the expense or the city or possibly split, depending on the circumstance of the installation.
Jim Larrington gave the street report, he will be ordering a few of the culverts that he has scheduled to be installed in the spring.  Jim Larrington and Chris Feehan will be meeting with Scott McGee regarding the concrete work that needs to be completed around the fire station and to extend the repair that was completed last summer on Prairie Street.
Jim Larrington will submit the item descriptions and pictures for the items that will be up for sealed bids.
There was a brief review of the 2020-2021 budget.  The notification for the public hearing on the 9th was incomplete and will now be held on the March 19, 2020 at 5:45 pm at Russell City Hall.
Mayor Feehan also discussed getting a quote for the doors to be installed at the community center and to place gutters on the shelter house and band stand.  Mayor Feehan also noted that he had submitted the grant to the South Central Iowa Solid Waste Agency for the new heater and air conditioning units for the Community Building. 
Council will be getting fire extinguishers for the community center, city hall, fire station, road grader, backhoe and pickup.  We will be using Summit Companies out of Ottumwa as they will install units, inspect yearly, and refill as needed.  First Aid kits will also be purchased for community center, city hall and maintenance garage.
Jim Larrington requested to have a schedule change to 4 – 10 hour days during the summer with Friday’s off.  Council would prefer not to have him gone every Friday but ok to take some Friday’s off with a 2 week notice.
Pricing for clean up day scheduled for May 2, 2020 will remain the same as last year. 
Water tower had issues last week with the main pipe leading to the tank developing a hole.  This hole has been repaired but it was determined that the entire pipe is starting to rust from the inside out and will need to be replaced.  We have received one quote at a cost of $34,000.00.  We will be getting additional quotes for this replacement.  It was determined that no work had been completed on the tower since it’s installation in 1986.  Council will also research to see if there are any grant monies available to aid in this cost.
When the water tower froze over this year it did cause some minor damage to the roof of the fire station.  Mayor Feehan has researched pricing for getting these repairs completed and should be approximately $750.00 to $800.00 to repair.  Council approved the repair of the roof of the fire station when the warmer weather will allow.
Casey DeHoedt , on behalf of the Museum’s annual Easter Egg Hunt, requested the use of the south room of the community center, the bandstand park and also if Shaw Street between Maple and Prairie  Street be closed on April 4, 2020 between 8 am and noon.  Council approved the Museum use for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Mayor Feehan spoke with the 4-H about the blessings boxes and they are almost complete and will be working with the museum on placement location.  One (1) box will be for food and one (1) box will be for hygiene items.  How to donate for these boxes will be discussed at the next meeting.
Mayor Feehan also advised the council that the fire department had been approached regarding doing a control burn on an abandoned house on Ames Street.  This request was denied as it is a large house and the neighbors are to close to the structure.  They will need to hire someone to demolish the house and dispose of, it can’t be burned at the brush pile, it will need to go to the landfill.
Casey DeHoedt motioned to adjourn the meeting and this motion was seconded by Kellie Anderson.
All Approved, meeting adjourned.

Approved by:
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk

City of Russell
Public Hearing Meeting
March 19, 2020
5:45 pm.
Present:  Mayor Chris Feehan, Terry Newcomb, Kelli Anderson, Robert Smith and City Clerk Cindy Smith.
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 5:45 pm.  There were no public residents present for the meeting.  Final review of the fiscal year budget for 2020/2021 then proceeded.  Terry Newcomb motioned to approve the fiscal year budget for 2020/2021.  This motion was seconded by Robert Smith.  Roll call was as follows:
Terry Newcomb - Aye, Kelli Anderson – Aye, Robert Smith – Aye.
There were no Nay’s.
Motion Carried.
Robert Smith motioned to close the public hearing and this motion was seconded by Kelli Anderson. Motion carried to close the Public Hearing.

Mayor Feehan requested an additional meeting to review the Sewer Project – All favored to have a brief meeting.  Council Meeting then started at 5:50 pm
Garden and Associates (G&A) new plans detailing revisions have been received.  G&A has added that a test needs to be conducted at the lagoon to measure depth of sludge that needs to be removed.  The removal cost has been added into the sewer project, but at this point is an estimated until depth of sludge is measured.  The cost to due this testing is estimated to be at $5,000.00.  Terry Newcomb motioned to approve the testing of the sludge depth for the estimated $5,000.00 and this motion was seconded by Kelli Anderson.
Aye’s – All Approved
Nay’s – None
Motion carried.
Terry Newcomb motioned to adjourn the meeting and this motion was seconded by Robert Smith.
Motion Carried, meeting adjourned.

Approved by,
Chris Feehan, Mayor

Cindy A Smith, City Clerk