Friday, June 8, 2018

Special City Council Minutes

City of Russell

Special Council Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, May 30, 6 p.m.

Present:  Duane Bedford, Chris Feehan, Jay Pierschbacher, Terry Newcomb, Casey DeHoedt, and Corey Paige.  Also present were Brian Beaty, Richard Foster, Jesse Rand, and Ashley Carroll.  Kris Wilkins and Cindy Smith took minutes of the meeting.

Duane Bedford called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Terry Newcomb made a motion to approve Resolution 2018-07 for Amendment to the 2017-18 Budget of the City of Russell.  Casey DeHoedt seconded the motion.

Aye votes:  Terry, Chris, Casey, Corey

Nay votes:  None

The Council had a second reading of Ordinance 148 Junk and Abandoned Vehicles.  Chris made a motion to approve Ordinance 148 as read and Casey seconded the motion.

Aye votes:  Terry, Chris, Casey, Jay, Corey

Nay votes:  None

The Council had a second reading of Ordinance 149 Miscellaneous Junk and Debris.  Terry made a motion to approve Ordinance 149 as read and Casey seconded the motion.

Aye votes:  Terry, Chris, Casey, Jay, Corey

Nay votes:  None

Chris made a motion to waive the third reading of the ordinances and adopt and publish as read.  Corey seconded the motion.

Aye votes:  Terry, Chris, Casey, Jay, Corey

Nay votes:  None

Council was to discuss street work on Smith Street.  There was discussion on tiling a portion of the road to prevent water seepage.  Chris made a motion to have L.L. Pelling do the street work on Smith Street and Terry seconded the motion.

Aye votes:  Terry, Chris, Casey, Jay, Corey

Nay votes:  None

The Council discussed the potential closing of Washington Street along the school.  The Council looked at the street plat/blueprint.  The City had turned over the alley by the school when the school was in operation.   The Council will talk to the current owner of the school regarding this.   Duane will talk to someone regarding possible costs.

Residents were in attendance that are impacted by the street closure.  The residents wanted to make sure they would still have access to their garages and personal property.  Discussion will be carried over to the June 4 Council meeting.

The Council discussed the possible selling of the campground or a possible lease.

Casey checked with Alliant regarding security lights on our poles at the field/campground.  Alliant quoted a price of $7 per light.

Casey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 p.m. and Chris seconded the motion.


Duane Bedford, Mayor



Kris Wilkins, City Clerk

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