Thursday, July 2, 2020

May City Council Minutes

City of Russell
City Council Meeting
May 4, 2020
6:05 PM
Present: Mayor chris Feehan, Terry Newcomb, casey DeHoedt, Kelli Anderson,
Robert smith, Jay Pierschbacher, city Maintenance supervisorJim Larringtrcn and
City Clerk Cindy Smith.
Mayor Feehan called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm immediately followirrg the
public hearing.
Minutes from the April 6,2020 meeting were reviewed and motioned for
approval by Casey DeHoedt, this motion was seconded by Terry Newcomb.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion carried.
lncome and expenses were reviewed from Aprir 2020.
Mayor Feehan reviewed with the council regarding the payment for Garden and
Associates' Garden and Associates has stopped all work on the sewer projerct
until this account was brought current. once this sewer project is approvecl we
will receive the funding to pay for this expense, but with this expense we are over
budget for 2079/2020 and will need to schedule a public hearing for a revised
budget' Jay Pierschbacher motioned to approve income and expenses for April
2020, this motion was seconded by Casey DeHoedt.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion carried.
Police report was provided by Mayor Feehan -officer Jeffries has had a death in
the family and was unable to attend. officer Jeffries has been sending out
addition letters regarding junk and debris and will be checking these locatiions for
any improvements in the coming weeks.
we have received the new contract from the Lucas county sheriff's departtment
that Mayor Feehan signed as it had been previously discussed and approved to
renew the contract for fiscal year 2020/2021,.
Fire Department report was also provided by Mayor Feehan - There will br: Fire
Fighter class I training with 6 people and an instructor taking place at the fire
city Maintenance supervisor Jim Larrington then gave his reports for
water/wastewater and street reports:
water in cell 4 of the lagoon will need to be drained prior to any work to be
completed on the new sewer project.
Water Loss was at 32% for the month of April.
A new resident will be needing a water service installation that wilt requi re 2,, piping' Jim is going looking into the cost of installing a water pit that will bt:
required for that size of piping. lt will also need to be large enough for electrical
so will need to be coordinated with Alliant Energy. The cost of these materials
will be up to the resident. An existing fire hydrant will also be replaced at that
Jim has been in discussions with the contractor regarding the new pipe that needs
to be installed in the water tower. They are hoping to plan the work in the next 2 to 3 weeks. There should be no water interruption to the community as thr:
water will run direct from Rathbun. Rathbun is also wanting to update their
equipment at that time as well. During this work Ames street will be cLosEiD and
fenced off for protection of the community and the workers as they repair the
tower. Jim is looking into the cost of fencing around the project.
The repair on Prairie street has been completed along with the concrete w.rk at
the fire station from the drain repair, and new sidewalk has been installed at the
post office' New railing will be installed at the post office/city hall building in the
next few weeks' The mailbox was moved during this construction by the postal
Service and will be moved permanently by them as well as the mail drop box is
Federal Government property.
Old Business:
we had received two (2) additional sealed bids on the dump truck. These were
opened and reviewed. casey DeHoedt motioned to approve the highest bid and this motion was seconded by Jay pierschbacher.
Aye's - All Approved
Nay's - None
Motion carried, Mayor Feehan wilr cail the winning bidder.
Review of the covid L9 state regulations were discussed. The city parks and
community building will remained closED until further notice.
The 4-H club has notified Mayor Feehan that the Blessing Boxes (one (1) for food
and one (1) for toiletries etc.) are complete and will be installed in the yard of the
Russell Historical Society Museum/Library.
New Business:
The city council will not be billing the museum for water/sewer service as tSey are
closed due to the Covid 19.
one council member had a request for ,,children at play,, signs. There are
currently two signs in town. one (1) on the east side of town on smith street as you enter city limits and there is also a sign on shaw. council decided to have the
Sheriff and our Potice officer be made more aware of children playing on the
major roads of smith and Highland and to patrol more in this area.
There also has been some complaints disruptive activity inside city timits and
items being stolen. This will also be brought to the sheriff's department anr1 our
Police officer to be on patror for these additionar requests.
LL Pelling has submitted a quote for sealcoating state street from Smith to s;haw
and Ames street from Prairie to Highland. There wilt also be two (2) spot repairs completed' Terry Newcomb motioned to approve the quote from LL pelling for
approximately 525,000.00 for sealcoat of state and Ames streets as designated
above and the two (2) spot repairs. This motion was seconded by Kelli Anderrson.
Aye's - All approved
Nay's - None
Motion carried, Mayor Feehan signed quote for work to be comp
A Public Hearing was schedured for May 22at 5:30 pm for approv
2019 / 2020 Budget Ame nd ment.
Terry Newcomb motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 pm and
seconded by Robert Smith.
Meeting Adjourned.
Chris Feehan, Mayor
Approved by:
Smith, City Clerk
I of the
his mol:ion was

1 comment:

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