Friday, November 26, 2010

Russell Seniors Holiday Dinner

The Russell Community Club outdid themselves for another year here in Russell.  A wonderful Holiday meal was once again served to about 60 seniors of this community.

It was a very chilly evening, but nothing like last year.  There was no snow and ice on the ground this year.  We were all thankful for that.  As we entered the Community Center, the warmth from inside was very welcome.  

We gathered around beautifully decorated tables decorated for the Christmas Season.  Friends began seeing friends and enjoyed visiting and getting into the Holiday spirit.  The hum in the room began to get louder as more and more people arrived for this once a year gathering, which has been going on for many, many years.  Some of these friends have not seen each other since last year's dinner.  Once you have attended one of these dinners, you make sure never to miss another one.  

The food was absolutely delicious and there was plenty to go around and even enough for those who wanted seconds.  The cooks have to be complimented on their wonderful cooking.  Juicy turkey, green beans, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, very unique dressing, a delicious gravy, rolls and a strawberry gelatin salad.  For dessert they served us a huge piece of pumpkin pie.  There went the diets.

Tony Irving sang some very original Christmas songs and asked all of us to join in.  At times, while singing, the voices were louder as we remembered the words.  The Night Before Christmas words were very different, but very true.  In the song, he even had a visit from Santa as he was sliding down off his roof while putting up the Christmas lights.

After the singing was over a very special visit from Santa Claus was enjoyed by all.  Santa stopped to visit with each and everyone of us and gave us our Christmas gift.  This part of the evening was really lots of fun as Santa joked and kidded with us as he/she traveled through the room.

Many thanks to our wonderful Russell Community Club who make Russell such a great place to live.

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