Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Russell Iowa City Council Minutes - November 2, 2015

November 2, 2015 minutes

Present at the meeting were Susan, Duane, Jay, Ed & Dana.

Visitors: Craig Gooder, Kevin Tanner, Craig Alexander, Delores Carroll, Denise Conway, Brandy Rowland, Jeremy Blue, Cody Carroll, Ivan Evans.

Meeting called to order at 7pm.

Minutes: Motion to approve last month’s minutes made by Duane, second by Dana. Motion carried.

Income & Expenses: Susan asked about the balance of the grant for the tennis court. Also asked what supplies were bought for the tennis court. Duane explained the grants for the court.

Dana asked about the abstract bill for a new abstract on the Sonna Brown property. Dana had researched the abstract and wondered who ordered it. Per the bill that the City of Russell received it was ordered by the City Attorney and billed to the City of Russell. Ed and Duane both denied knowing anything about an order for a new abstract. Discussion continued on this topic with Susan asking Ed if he would contact Ray Meyer to be present at the next council meeting in December. 

Motion made to approve income & expenses with the exception of the Chariton Abstract bill until further investigation. Motion made by Duane, second by Jay. Motion carried 5-0.

Accept Crystal Moore’s resignation dated October 29, 2015. Duane moved to accept Crystal’s resignation, second by Jay. Aye’s Duane & Jay. Nay, Dana & Susan. Ed stated that since this is a tie vote he is not legally able to break the tie. Motion did not carry.

Approve nuisance abatement for George James for two hours of mowing for $150 at 313 W. Lincoln St. Duane moved to approve the abatement, second by Jay. Motion carried 5-0.

Craig Gooder deferred his issue on the agenda with the right to speak at a later time in the meeting if the discussion were to continue on the matter. 

Pennie Stouwie was not present.

Police Dept. – Dana has had multiple complaints about dogs being loose. The Council will have Jeff Johnson send papers to owner of the dogs.

Out of town dogs are running around loose in town as well, The council will try to determine whose dogs these are.

Dana has received complaints about horse manure on the streets. Jay had asked some of the riders to clean up afterwards and the request was not received well. Council asked that a certified letter be sent to the offending party about this matter.

Fire Department - Craig Alexander is proceeding to buy the new extracation tools. He asked to move the $20K from the CD to checking to pay for the new equipment. Ed asked Craig to talk with the City Clerk to move these funds from one account to the other. 

Street Department- Dana stated still no ditches are cleaned out, more complaints about the roads. Denise Conway asked about the smoke testing results, Ed explained to her that there was more to do with scoping and televising the sewers. The engineer will give a report once these things have been completed. Dana also asked about having those ditches cleaned and a new culvert for Conway’s driveway possibly yet this fall. Ed stated they would have to get bids to have sewers repaired. Jay asked if the roads were being resurfaced next year, Ed said that’s why the money had been saved for the last three years and the roads that would be done would be up to the council.

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