Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Russell, Iowa City Council Minutes December 7, 2015

December 7, 2015 

Mayor pro-tem Duane Bedford called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. With Jay, Dana and Susan present.

Visitors were Chris Feehan, Corey Paige and Craig Alexander.

Motion to approve meeting minutes from November by Jay, second by Dana. Motion carried 4-0.

Income & Expenses: Susan asked the Clerk to find out what the parts bill for the $194 from Napa were for. Duane state that the Chariton abstract bill needs to be included in the expenses listed. Duane and Dana had a discussion about the abstract and how to move forward about paying the bill. Dana asked about Ray Meyer not being present at tonight’s meeting. Dana disputed that the abstract was updated. Dana stated that she felt the bill should be paid and then drop the subject of this property. 

Motion to approve the income & expenses by Dana, second by Jay. Motion 3-1. Susan Nayed. 

Approving Resolution 2015-09 for 2016 Holiday schedule for City Employee approved by Susan and second by Dana. Motion carried 4-0

Police: Jeff stated that he would be present more after this week since he has a new officer on his staff in Chariton. Dana did have a complaint of vehicles racing through town on Shaw St. but she was not aware as to who it was.

Appointment of Vacant Seat: Duane presented an email from Mickey Shields with the Iowa League of Cities showing that the council member’s term ends on the date of the letter of resignation, that the letter of resignation does not require acceptance by the council and the vacancy must be filled by appointment within 60 days or by special election. Duane explained that Kelly Gookin would be willing to accept the seat. Susan brought up a code that states that a councils intent to appoint needs to be published no more than 4 days and no less than 20 days for the appointment of the seat. Jay asked why Crystal’s resignation was never accepted at the last meeting. Duane said he will check into the requirement to publish and that the council will need to move forward. Susan stated for Duane to either follow the code or step down. Susan stated that Duane did not have a vote which the other council members did disagree with. Jay stated that this council was not working together and could not even agree on a simple matter. Dana explained that she would not accept Crystal’s resignation due to the fact that she changed her business address not her home address but now states that she did change her home address. Susan insisted that a date is set to publish the ad and have the Clerk run the ad. Susan stated she had spoke with Julie Masters at the Lucas County courthouse and she instructed her that as long as the council has the appointment notice before the 60 days is up then the council will not be in violation. Duane disputed this. The date has been set for the appointment January 4, 2016 meeting. Dana made the motion to approve that and second by Susan. Motion carried 4-0

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